
Boohan, R (2016) ‘The Language of Mathematics in Science: A Guide for Teachers of 11–16 Science’ (Hatfield, Herts: ASE Publications). ISBN 978 0 86357 455 9.

Boohan, R (2016) ‘The language of mathematics in science’, School Science Review, Vol 97, No 360, pp 15-20.

Boohan, R (2014) ‘Making sense of energy’, School Science Review, Vol 96, No 354, pp 33-43.

Boohan, R (2013) ‘Understanding electrical transmission: a guide to the National Grid Transmission Model’ (Waltham Cross: Mindsets).

Boohan, R (2012) ‘More about steady states and climate change’, Classroom Physics, March 2012, Issue 20, p 7.

Boohan, R, Chaplin, M and Jones, A (2011) ‘Mixing colours’ (London: Gatsby Science Enhancement Programme). ISBN 978-1-907168-07-9.

Boohan, R (2011) ‘The science of smart materials’, School Science Review, Vol 92, No 340, pp 77-92.

Boohan, R and Chaplin, M (2011) ‘Communications: transmitting and receiving signals’ (London: Gatsby Science Enhancement Programme). ISBN 978-1-907168-08-6.

Boohan, R, Campbell, P, Charlesworth, J, Galloway, I, Millar, R, Needham, R, and Roberts, R (2010) ‘The language of measurement: terminology used in school science investigations’ (Hatfield, Herts: ASE Publications). ISBN 978 0 86357 424 5.

Boohan, R (2010) ‘Modelling climate change with a leaky bottle’, Classroom Physics, March 2010, Issue 12, p 8.

Boohan, R (2010) ‘Glow-in-the-dark film and radiation’, Classroom Physics, June 2010, Issue 13, p 7.

Boohan, R (2009) ‘Modelling X-ray diffraction’, Classroom Physics, June 2009, Issue 9, p 8.

Boohan, R (2009) ‘Detecting electrostatic charges directly’, Classroom Physics, September 2009, Issue 10, p 8.

Boohan, R (2008) ‘Innovations in practical work – from the Science Enhancement Programme’, School Science Review, Vol 89, No 328, pp 85-95.

Boohan, R (2007) ‘Making energy real: using the SEP Energymeter’ (London: Gatsby Science Enhancement Programme). ISBN 978-1-901351-70-5.

Boohan, R (2007) ‘Energy storage’ (London: Gatsby Science Enhancement Programme). ISBN 978-1-901351-73-6.

Boohan, R (2006) ‘Metals and smart alloys’ (London: Gatsby Science Enhancement Programme). ISBN 1 901351 56 4.

Boohan, R (2006) ‘Wind power’ (London: Gatsby Science Enhancement Programme). ISBN 1 901351 57 2.

Boohan, R (2006) ‘Radiation and communication’ (London: Gatsby Science Enhancement Programme). ISBN 1 901351 60 2.

Boohan, R (2006) ‘Solar power: electricity from the Sun’ (London: Gatsby Science Enhancement Programme). ISBN 1 901351 66 1.

Boohan, R (2005) ‘Hot and cold: exploring temperature changes with thermocolour film’ (London: Science Enhancement Programme). ISBN 1 901351 44 0.

Stylianidou, F, Boohan, R and Ogborn, J (2005) ‘Science teachers’ transformations of the use of computer modeling in the classroom: Using research to inform training’, Science Education, Vol 89, No 1, pp 56-70.

Boohan, R (2005) ‘QTC: a remarkable new material to control electricity’ (London: Science Enhancement Programme). ISBN 1 901351 48 3.

Boohan, R (2005) ‘Supermagnets: exploring the properties and use of rare earth magnets’ (London: Science Enhancement Programme). ISBN 1 901351 49 1.

Boohan, R and Coppard, L (2003) ‘Radiation in the Environment: introductory booklet’ (London: Science Enhancement Programme). ISBN 1 874289 26 3.

Boohan, R, Coppard, L and Watson, R (2003) ‘Radiation in the Environment: student activities’ (London: Science Enhancement Programme). ISBN 1 901351 41 6.

Stylianidou, F, Boohan, R and Ogborn, J (2003) ‘Computer modelling and simulation in science lessons: Using research into teachers’ transformations to inform training.’ In Psillos, D., Kariotoglou, P., Tselfes, V., Fassoulopoulos, G., Hatzikraniotis, E., Kallery, M. (eds) Science Education Research in the Knowledge-based Society. (Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers), pp 361-369.

Amos, S and Boohan, R (eds) (2002) ‘Teaching science in the secondary school: a reader’ (London: RoutledgeFalmer).

Amos, S and Boohan, R (eds) (2002) ‘Aspects of teaching secondary science: perspectives on practice’ (London: RoutledgeFalmer).

Amos, S and Boohan, R (2002) ‘The changing nature of science education’, in Amos, S and Boohan, R ‘Teaching science in the secondary school: a reader’ (London: RoutledgeFalmer), pp 3-21.

Boohan, R (2002) ‘Learning with models, learning about models’, in Amos, S and Boohan, R (eds) ‘Aspects of teaching secondary science: perspectives on practice’ (London: RoutledgeFalmer), pp 117-129.

Boohan, R (2002) ‘ICT and communication’, in Amos, S and Boohan, R (eds) ‘Aspects of teaching secondary science: perspectives on practice’ (London: RoutledgeFalmer), pp 211-224.

Boohan, R (2002) ‘Energy transfer unit’ (London: Science Enhancement Programme). ISBN 978-1-901351-71-2.

Boohan, R (2002) ‘Investigations using the iButton temperature datalogger’ (London: Science Enhancement Programme). ISBN 1 901351 47 5.

Boohan, R, Stylianidou, F and Ogborn, J (2001) Teaching about energy and training for innovation, in “Proceedings of the International Conference Physics Teacher Education Beyond 2000” R. Pinto & S. Surinach (eds). CD Production Calidos. ISBN 84-699-4416-9 Barcelona.

Boohan, R, Stylianidou, F and Ogborn, J (2001) Teaching about energy and training for innovation, in “International Conference Physics Teacher Education Beyond 2000. Selected Contributions” R. Pinto & S. Surinach (eds). Elsevier Editions. ISBN 2-84299-312-8 Paris.

Sassi, E., Monroy, G., Testa, I., Andresen, O., Boohan, R., Chauvet, F., Colin, P., Giberti, G., Gutiérrez, R., Ogborn, J., Pintó, R., Quale, A., Rebmann, G., Stylianidou, F., Viennot, L. (2001) Teacher training materials favouring the take-up of innovations, , STTIS (Science Teacher Training in an Information Society) Transversal Report on Work Package 5, European Commission DG XII – TSER: CT97 2020 (co-ord.: R. Pintó, Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona), Universita’ di Napoli “Federico II”, Italy.

Stylianidou, F, Boohan, R and Ogborn, J (2001) Computer modelling and simulation in science lessons: using research into teachers’ transformations to inform training. In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Science Education Research in the Knowledge Based Society, Volume 1 (Thessaloniki, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki), pp 159-161.

Boohan, R, Stylianidou, F and Ogborn, J (2000) Training teachers for innovation: energy transfer and the direction of change, STTIS (Science Teacher Training in an Information Society) UK National Report on Work Package 5 (part 1), European Commission DG XII – TSER: CT97 2020 (co-ordinator: R. Pintó, Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona), (University of Sussex, Institute of Education).

Boohan, R, Stylianidou, F and Ogborn, J (2000) Training teachers for innovation: computer simulation and modelling, STTIS (Science Teacher Training in an Information Society) UK National Report on Work Package 5 (part 2), European Commission DG XII – TSER: CT97 2020 (co-ordinator: R. Pintó, Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona), (University of Sussex, Institute of Education).

Boohan, R (2000) How to handle data, In Lawrence, I and Whitehouse, M (2000) Advancing Physics AS 2000 (CD-ROM courseware), (Bristol and Philadelphia: Institute of Physics Publishing) ISBN 0 7503 0735 8.

Stylianidou, F and Boohan, R (1999) ‘Pupils Reasoning About the Nature of Change Using an Abstract Picture Language’, Proceedings of NARST Annual Conference, Boston, USA, March 1999.

Boohan, R (1999) ‘Using graphical representations to support mathematical reasoning’ in Carson, S (ed.) Shaping the Future: Physics in Mathematical Mood (Institute of Physics Publishing), pp30-32.

Bliss, J, Ogborn, J, Boohan, R, Brosnan, T, Mellar, H and Sakonidis, B (1999) ‘Modeling with Young Students – Quantitative and Qualitative’. Journal of Computing in Higher Education, Vol 10, No 2, 99 69-110.

Stylianidou, F and Boohan, R (1999) ‘How do children learn about physical, chemical and biological changes using a language of abstract pictures’, in Koumaras, P, Kariotoglou, P, Tselfes, V and Psillos D (eds) Proceedings of the First Panhellenic Conference on ‘Science Education and Applications of New Technologies in Education’, Thessaloniki, Greece, May 29-31, 1998, (Thessaloniki: Christodoulides Publications), pp 345-351. ISBN 960 7577 24 8.

Maragoudaki, E and Boohan, R (1999) ‘Models, rules and behaviours: an investigation of the way that children approach a modelling program’, in Koumaras, P, Kariotoglou, P, Tselfes, V and Psillos D (eds) Proceedings of the First Panhellenic Conference on ‘Science Education and Applications of New Technologies in Education’, Thessaloniki, Greece, May 29-31, 1998, (Thessaloniki: Christodoulides Publications), pp 338-344. ISBN 960 7577 24 8.

Stylianidou, F and Boohan, R (1998) ‘Understanding Why Things Happen: Case-Studies of Pupils Using an Abstract Picture Language to Represent the Nature of Changes’, Research in Science Education, 28(4), pp 447-462.

Boohan, R and Ogborn, J (1997) ‘Can you cope with more changes?’, Education in Science, Vol 171, pp 28-29.

Boohan, R and Ogborn, J (1997) ‘Róznice, energia i zmiana: proste podejscie za pomoca rysunków’, Foton, Vol 51, No 4, pp 14-25 (Instytut Fizyki Uniwersytet Jagiellonski).

Boohan, R (1997) ‘Computer modelling and dynamic processes in science education’, in ‘Exploring Models and Modelling in Science and Technology Education’ (The New Bulmershe Papers. The University of Reading), pp 126-144.

Boohan, R and Ogborn, J (1997) ‘Differences, energy and change: a simple approach through pictures’ in Oblak, S, Hribar, M, Luchner, K and Munih (eds) New ways of Teaching Physics: Proceeding of the GIREP-ICPE International conference, August 1996, Ljubljana, Slovenia (Ljubljana: Board of Education of Slovenia), pp 70-77.

Maragoudaki, E, Boohan, R and Ogborn, J (1997) ‘Computer models, rules and behaviours: children’s understanding of structures’ Paper presented at EARLI Conference, Athens, August 1997.

Boohan R and Maragoudaki E (1997) ‘Computer worlds and the real world: exploring children’s understanding with WorldMaker’ Paper presented at ESERA Conference, Rome, September 1997.

Stylianidou, F and Boohan, R (1997) ‘Exploring pupils’ learning about the nature of change using an abstract picture language’ Paper presented at ESERA Conference, Rome, September 1997.

Boohan, R (1997) ‘Getting to know . . . data’, Education in Chemistry, Vol 34, No 6, pp 162-4.

Boohan, R (1997) What makes a chemical reaction go: an approach to the Second Law using abstract pictures, Tempus Phare Structural Joint European Project, EDEN S-JEP-09578, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Boohan, R and Ogborn, J (1996) ‘Energy and change: Introducing a new approach’ (Association for Science Education, Hatfield), 44pp.

Boohan, R and Ogborn, J (1996) ‘Energy and change: Activities in the classroom’ (Association for Science Education, Hatfield), 57pp.

Boohan, R and Ogborn, J (1996) ‘Energy and change: Background stories for teachers’ (Association for Science Education, Hatfield), 46pp.

Boohan, R (1996) ‘Energy and change: support materials’, (University of London Institute of Education), 295pp.

Boohan, R (1996) ‘Keeping moving to stay where you are: energy flows and temperature differences’, Physics Education, Vol 31, No 1 pp 20-23.

Boohan, R (1996) ‘Exploring hot and cold with temperature sensitive film’, School Science Review, Vol 77, No 281, pp 91-92.

Boohan, R and Ogborn, J (1996) ‘Energija in spremembe’ (translated by Ferbar J, Glazar S and Bajd B) (Modrijan, Ljubljana), 52pp.

Boohan, R and Ogborn, J (1996) ‘Differences, energy and change: a simple approach through pictures’, School Science Review, Vol 77, No 283, pp 13-19.

Boohan, R (1996) ‘Using a picture language to teach about processes of change’ in Welford G, Osborne J and Scott P. (eds) (1996) Research in Science Education in Europe: Current Issues and Themes (The Falmer Press, London), pp 85-99.

Beckett, L and Boohan, R (1996) ‘Computer modelling for the young scientist’ in Tinker R F (ed) ‘Microcomputer-Based Labs: Educational Research and Standards’, Series F, Computer and Systems Sciences, Vol 156; Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 1996, pp 227-238.

Boohan, R (1995) ‘Using a picture language to teach about processes of change’ Paper presented at the European Conference on Research in Science Education, University of Leeds, April 1995.

Boohan, R (1995) ‘Children and computer modelling: making worlds with WorldMaker’ in Tinsley, J D and van Weert, T J (eds.) Proceedings of the sixth World Conference on Computers in Education, Birmingham, England, July 1995 (Chapman and Hall), pp 975-985.

Boohan, R (1995) Why is a rumour like an infectious disease? – computer modelling with WorldMaker.

Mellar, H, Bliss, J, Ogborn, J, Boohan, R and Tompsett, R (eds) (1994) ‘Learning with artificial worlds: computer-based modelling in the curriculum’ (Falmer Press).

Boohan, R (1994) ‘Interpreting the world with numbers: introduction to quantitative modelling’ in Mellar H et al (eds) ‘Learning with artificial worlds: computer-based modelling in the curriculum’ (Falmer Press), pp 49-58.

Boohan, R and Brosnan, T (1994) ‘Reasoning with a quantitative modelling tool’ in Mellar, H et al (eds) ‘Learning with artificial worlds: computer-based modelling in the curriculum’ (Falmer Press), pp 59-67.

Boohan, R (1994) ‘Starting from data: a different approach to making models’ in Mellar, H et al (eds) ‘Learning with artificial worlds: computer-based modelling in the curriculum’ (Falmer Press), pp 104-113.

Boohan, R (1994) ‘Creating worlds from objects and events’ in Mellar, H et al (eds) ‘Learning with artificial worlds: computer-based modelling in the curriculum’ (Falmer Press), pp 171-179.

Boohan, R (1994) ‘Using models to explain diffusion, heating and radioactivity, and using spreadsheets to model random phenomena’ in Ellse, M and Lawrence, I (eds) ‘Nuffield Co-ordinated Sciences Physics: Supplementary worksheets for single sience and teachers’ guide’ (Longman Education).

Boohan, R (1994) ‘WorldMaker: computer modelling and system thinking for children’ in Marx, G (ed) ‘A Planet in Our Hands’ (Proceeding of International Conference of Science Education Rio Followup conference, Eger, Hungary) (Budapest: Roland Eötvös Physical Society), pp 340-348.

Boohan, R (1993) ‘Using computer based questionnaires to diagnose students’ models of electricity’ In Learning electricity with advanced educational technology (M. Caillot, Ed.), Proceedings of Advanced Research Workshop, Paris, 1991, NATO ASI Series F, Vol 115, pp 173-196 (Berlin: Springer-Verlag).

Miller, R, Ogborn, J, Briggs, J, Brough, D, Bliss, J, Boohan, R, Brosnan, T, Mellar, H and Sakonidis B (1993) ‘Educational tools for computational modelling’, Computers in Education, Vol 21, No 3, pp 205-261.

Ogborn, J, Boohan, R and Brosnan, T (1992) Technical Report 4, Quantitative Reasoning – Expressive and Exploratory: ESRC Tools for Exploratory Learning Project, End of Award Report.

Bliss, J, Ogborn, J, Boohan, R, Briggs, J, Brosnan, T, Brough, D, Mellar, H, Miller, R, Nash, C, Rogers, C and Sakonidis, B (1992) ‘Reasoning supported by computational tools’, Computers in Education, Vol 18, No 1-3, pp 1-9, reprinted in Kibby, M R, Hartley, J R (eds) (1992) ‘Computer Assisted Learning’ (Pergamon Press).

Boohan, R (1992) ‘WorldMaker: an object-based approach to computer modelling’, Proceedings of the European Conference about Information Technology in Education, University of Barcelona, November 1992, pp 30-39.

Boohan, R (1992) ‘DIAG: a program to diagnose students’ conceptual models in science’ Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, Vol 8, 206-220.

Boohan, R (1992) ‘Students’ Ideas on Explanations of Electricity’ Technical paper No. 10, London Mental Models Group, produced for EC Basic Research Actions ESPRIT II, Working Group 6237: Children’s and Teachers’ Explanations.

Boohan, R and Ogborn, J (1991) ‘Looking at data: the way we live’ (Students’ Book for Mini-course 1, Making Sense of Data, Nuffield Exploratory Data Skills Project) (Harlow Essex, Longman Education). ISBN 0582 07389 8.

Boohan, R and Ogborn, J (1991) ‘Looking at data: the way we live’ (Teachers’ Guide for Mini-course 1, Making Sense of Data, Nuffield Exploratory Data Skills Project) (Harlow Essex, Longman Education). ISBN 0582 07363 4.

Boohan, R and Ogborn, J (1991) ‘Picturing data: risks’ (Students’ Book for Mini-course 2, Making Sense of Data, Nuffield Exploratory Data Skills Project) (Harlow Essex, Longman Education). ISBN 0582 07390 1.

Boohan, R and Ogborn, J (1991) ‘Picturing data: risks’ (Teachers’ Guide for Mini-course 2, Making Sense of Data, Nuffield Exploratory Data Skills Project) (Harlow Essex, Longman Education). ISBN 0582 07364 2.

Boohan, R and Ogborn, J (1991) ‘Trends: population changes’ (Students’ Book for Mini-course 3, Making Sense of Data, Nuffield Exploratory Data Skills Project) (Harlow Essex, Longman Education). ISBN 0582 07391 X.

Boohan, R and Ogborn, J (1991) ‘Trends: population changes’ (Teachers’ Guide for Mini-course 3, Making Sense of Data, Nuffield Exploratory Data Skills Project) (Harlow Essex, Longman Education). ISBN 0582 07365 0.

Boohan, R and Ogborn, J (1991) ‘Batches: facts about food’ (Students’ Book for Mini-course 4, Making Sense of Data, Nuffield Exploratory Data Skills Project) (Harlow Essex, Longman Education). ISBN 0582 07392 8.

Boohan, R and Ogborn, J (1991) ‘Batches: facts about food’ (Teachers’ Guide for Mini-course 4, Making Sense of Data, Nuffield Exploratory Data Skills Project) (Harlow Essex, Longman Education). ISBN 0582 07362 6.

Boohan, R and Ogborn, J (1991) ‘Scatterplots: health and growth’ (Students’ Book for Mini-course 5, Making Sense of Data, Nuffield Exploratory Data Skills Project) (Harlow Essex, Longman Education). ISBN 0582 07393 6.

Boohan, R and Ogborn, J (1991) ‘Scatterplots: health and growth’ (Teachers’ Guide for Mini-course 5, Making Sense of Data, Nuffield Exploratory Data Skills Project) (Harlow Essex, Longman Education). ISBN 0582 07366 9.

Boohan, R and Ogborn, J (1991) ‘Tables of counts: things people think’ (Students’ Book for Mini-course 6, Making Sense of Data, Nuffield Exploratory Data Skills Project) (Harlow Essex, Longman Education). ISBN 0582 07396 0.

Boohan, R and Ogborn, J (1991) ‘Tables of counts: things people think’ (Teachers’ Guide for Mini-course 6, Making Sense of Data, Nuffield Exploratory Data Skills Project) (Harlow Essex, Longman Education). ISBN 0582 07369 3.

Boohan, R and Ogborn, J (1991) ‘Taking out effects: smokers’ (Students’ Book for Mini-course 7, Making Sense of Data, Nuffield Exploratory Data Skills Project) (Harlow Essex, Longman Education). ISBN 0582 07395 2.

Boohan, R and Ogborn, J (1991) ‘Taking out effects: smokers’ (Teachers’ Guide for Mini-course 7, Making Sense of Data, Nuffield Exploratory Data Skills Project) (Harlow Essex, Longman Education). ISBN 0582 07368 5.

Boohan, R and Ogborn, J (1991) ‘Planning an investigation: newspapers’ (Students’ Book for Mini-course 8, Making Sense of Data, Nuffield Exploratory Data Skills Project) (Harlow Essex, Longman Education). ISBN 0582 07394 4.

Boohan, R and Ogborn, J (1991) ‘Planning an investigation: newspapers’ (Teachers’ Guide for Mini-course 8, Making Sense of Data, Nuffield Exploratory Data Skills Project) (Harlow Essex, Longman Education). ISBN 0582 07367 7.

Boohan, R and Ogborn, J (1991) ‘Choosing an analysis: records from the past’ (Students’ Book for Mini-course 9, Making Sense of Data, Nuffield Exploratory Data Skills Project) (Harlow Essex, Longman Education). ISBN 0582 07398 7.

Boohan, R and Ogborn, J (1991) ‘Choosing an analysis: records from the past’ (Teachers’ Guide for Mini-course 9, Making Sense of Data, Nuffield Exploratory Data Skills Project) (Harlow Essex, Longman Education). ISBN 0582 07370 7.

Boohan, R and Ogborn, J (1991) Making Sense of Data, Resource pack’ (Nuffield Exploratory Data Skills Project) (Harlow Essex, Longman Education). ISBN 0582 07361 8.

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