Supporting change

The STISS project (Science Teacher Training in an Information Society) was a European project looking at the factors that affect teachers’ implementation of curriculum innovations and implications for training. The UK team focused on two areas familiar to the participants, computer modelling and teaching energy: my role was to develop teacher training packages to support the uptake of these innovations.

Workshop materials on energy: training package based on research into the nature of teachers’ transformations of innovative approaches to teaching energy.

Training teachers for innovation: energy transfer and the direction of change
Boohan, R, Stylianidou, F and Ogborn J (2000), STTIS UK National Report on Work Package 5 (part 1).

Training for innovation: summary of the research on teachers’ transformations and of the training materials developed.

Teaching about energy and training for innovation
Boohan, R, Stylianidou, F and Ogborn J (2001) in “International Conference Physics Teacher Education Beyond 2000 Selected Contributions” R. Pinto & S. Surinach (eds) Elsevier Editions, Paris.

Using research to inform training: how teachers can use the results of research into curriculum transformation to inform their own implementation of the innovations.

Science teachers’ transformations of the use of computer modeling in the classroom: Using research to inform training
Stylianidou, F, Boohan, R and Ogborn, J (2005), Science Education, Vol 89, No 1, pp 56-70.