‘Innovations’ publications

The following is a list of the publications in the ‘Innovations in Practical Work’ series.

  • Hard copy publications and the accompanying practical resources are available from Mindsets and can be seen by clicking the  icon.
  • Electronic versions of the booklets and other downloadable resources are available from the National STEM Centre eLibrary and can be seen by clicking the  icon.

    QTC: a remarkable new material to control electricity (2005) *

    Supermagnets: exploring the properties and uses of rare earth magnets (2005) *

    Go with the flow: investigating bouncy fluids and other strange materials (2005)

    Hot and cold: exploring temperature changes using thermocolour film (2005) *

    Metals and smart alloys (2006) *

    Wind power (2006) *

    Solar power: electricity from the Sun (2006) *

    Radiation and communication (2006) *

    Making energy real: using the SEP Energymeter (2007) *

    Energy storage (2007) *

    Seismology (2007)

    Fantastic plastic (2008)

    Building materials (2008)

    Composites: designing materials for the future (2008)

    Seeing beyond the visible (2008)

    Modelling climate change (2009)

    Fibres and fabrics (2009)

    Biofuels (2009)

    Recycling and sustainability (2009)

    Light and matter: models and applications (2009)

    Forensic chemistry (2010)

    Rockets and projectiles (2010)

    Sound (2010)

    Voicebox: the physics and evolution of speech (2010)

    Mixing colours (2011) *

    Communications: transmitting and receiving signals (2011) *

    Stuff and substance: ten key practicals in chemistry (2011)

    Novel materials and smart applications (2011)

(Publications marked with a * indicate those for which I am the sole or joint author.)