Energy: Papers

A selection of papers and articles about energy – some have links to external websites and others can be downloaded from this webpage.

Boohan, R (1996) ‘Using a picture language to teach about processes of change’ in Welford G, Osborne J and Scott P. (eds) (1996) Research in Science Education in Europe: Current Issues and Themes (The Falmer Press, London), pp 85-99.

Boohan, R and Ogborn, J (1996) ‘Differences, energy and change: a simple approach through pictures’, School Science Review, Vol 77, No 283, pp 13-19.

Boohan, R (1996) ‘Exploring hot and cold with temperature sensitive film’, School Science Review, Vol 77, No 281, pp 91-92.

Boohan, R (1996) ‘Keeping moving to stay where you are: energy flows and temperature differences’, Physics Education, Vol 31, No 1 pp 20-23.

Boohan, R (1997) What makes a chemical reaction go: an approach to the Second Law using abstract pictures, Tempus Phare Structural Joint European Project, EDEN S-JEP-09578, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Boohan, R and Ogborn, J (1997) ‘Can you cope with more changes?’, Education in Science, Vol 171, pp 28-29.

Stylianidou, F and Boohan, R (1998) ‘Understanding Why Things Happen: Case-Studies of Pupils Using an Abstract Picture Language to Represent the Nature of Changes’, Research in Science Education, 28(4), pp 447-462.

Boohan, R, Stylianidou, F and Ogborn, J (2000) Training teachers for innovation: energy transfer and the direction of change, STTIS (Science Teacher Training in an Information Society) UK National Report on Work Package 5 (part 1), European Commission DG XII – TSER: CT97 2020 (co-ordinator: R. Pintó, Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona), (University of Sussex, Institute of Education).

Boohan, R, Stylianidou, F and Ogborn, J (2001) Teaching about energy and training for innovation, in “Proceedings of the International Conference Physics Teacher Education Beyond 2000” R. Pinto & S. Surinach (eds). CD Production Calidos. ISBN 84-699-4416-9 Barcelona.

Boohan, R (2008) ‘Innovations in practical work – from the Science Enhancement Programme’, School Science Review, Vol 89, No 328, pp 85-95.

Boohan, R (2010) ‘Modelling climate change with a leaky bottle’, Classroom Physics, March 2010, Issue 12, p 8.

Boohan, R (2012) ‘More about steady states and climate change’, Classroom Physics, March 2012, Issue 20, p 7.

Boohan, R (2014) ‘Making Sense of Energy’, School Science Review, Vol 96, No 354, pp 33-43.