Large-scale teacher education

This section shows some materials developed for the Open University Flexible PGCE between 1999 and 2002. This was a large and complex distance education programme for initial teacher training. It required the design of a range of materials and supporting structures, including traditional texts and study guides combined with the new possibilities of digital media and communications. I contributed to the design of the module structures, website and multimedia materials across the programme, and worked jointly with Sandra Amos in producing the science materials.

OU_reader1 Teaching Science in Secondary Schools: a Reader
This book aimed to introduce a range of contemporary issues and key ideas in science education, and to support teachers in becoming active professionals able to shape their own practice.
Aspects of Teaching Secondary Science: Perspectives on Practice
This book focused more directly on the teaching of science, providing ways of understanding what happens in classrooms and offering sources of possibilities for future action.
OU_CDROM CD-CROM case studies
Extensive use was made of electronic materials, including multimedia case studies of classroom practice. These provided a link between the study modules and trainees’ own experiences in schools.
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