Home WP5

Science Teacher Training in an Information Society
Teaching about energy


Workshop 1

Section A
Section B
Section C
Section D
Activity D1
Activity D2
Section E
Section F
Section G


Section D  Transformations: beliefs about learning

Activity D2  Energy and change
Page 1 of 2


  • To explore factors related to beliefs about learning that may influence teachers’ transformations of the ‘Energy and Change’ innovation.
  • To consider these issues in the light of your own beliefs and teaching experience.


Beliefs about how pupils learn clearly influence how innovations are taken up. The abstract pictures in the ‘Energy and Change’ materials are designed to help pupils to generalise about situations and to see differences and similarities between them. This is an important aspect of scientific thinking. The activities that use these pictures are intended to focus pupils’ attention on important features of situations and to stimulate discussion amongst them. How well do teachers think that pupils will understand these pictures? Do they think that the activities are useful learning tools? The following stories address these questions.

[N.B. These stories are based on research into the work of teachers implementing this innovation. Though they are not based on particular individuals, they do focus on issues that were identified in the research.]

What to do

1.  It is best to do this activity in a group of two or three. Before you start discussion, however, work individually and read through each of the stories on page 2. For each story, decide whether you are:
  • broadly sympathetic to the position outlined in the story (S)
  • broadly unsympathetic to the position outlined in the story (U)
  • neither (N)
Write the appropriate letter next to each story.

2.  Discuss each story in turn within the group. It may be useful to think about the following:

  • What is the key idea of the story?
  • Are there points that the teacher makes that we all agree with?
  • Are there points that the teacher makes that we all disagree with? If so, is this because we disagree in principle or because we think the teacher has said something factually incorrect? Or because they say something which may apply in their own situation but not in yours?
  • What are the issues where we do not reach a consensus? What are the reasons for this?
3.  After discussion, work individually again and look back over all of the stories. Pick out a few key sentences, which you agree with and think address the most important ideas for you. Underline them. Pick out a few sentences that you disagree with strongly. Underline them in a different colour or style. (Make a note of what the colours/styles mean so that you can work it out later.) You will be returning to these sheets in a later session.

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