Home WP5

Science Teacher Training in an Information Society
Teaching about energy


Workshop 1

Section A
Section B
Section C
Section D
Section E
Activity E1
Activity E2
Section F
Section G


Section E  Transformations: values

Our actions are guided by what we see as important and what we value. This section looks at the factors related to personal values that may influence teachers’ transformations of the innovations. Again, the issues are addressed through the use of ‘stories’ based on results of the research. When teachers described their work on teaching energy, they referred to personal values about what should be in the curriculum and how it should be taught in the classroom. What kind of science should pupils be taught? What is the nature of scientific knowledge? What kind of science is defined by the National Curriculum? How important is it that pupils should be able to abstract fundamental similarities and differences between changes? Is it necessary to include ‘Second Law’ ideas in the curriculum? What purpose do they serve?

The activities in this section are: 


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